Acai Raw Power

17 May 2012
Read time: 6 min
Category: Archive

The Hippocrates Institute is proud to introduce Acai Raw Power - a one of a kind raw acai packaged in 3.5 oz. pouches. This living acai contains only the raw super powerful berries. It is available exclusively through the Institute in partnership with Ev­erything Nature Inc.

What is acai? - (ahh - sigh - eeh). Studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! Acai is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Harvested in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, acai tastes like a vibrant blend of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature's perfect energy fruit. This palm tree only grows in the Amazon; it can reach over 45 feet in height and it provides a wide variety of marketable products, the most important of which is the fruit. The acai berry looks like a dark purple grape.

Acai Is A Nutritional Powerhouse:

Acai has more antioxidants than blueberries, green tea, and red wine. Everyone needs antioxidants to seek and de­stroy free radicals in the body. On average, Hippocrates' Acai has 3 times greater antioxidant content of blueberries, 2 times greater antioxidant content of pomegranates, and 20 times greater antioxidant content of red wine grapes.

Omega Fatty Acids:

Acai also has Omega Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's). EFA's are the same healthy fats found in olive oil, flax seed, and hemp seed and are believed to protect the heart, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve depres­sion, and fight cancer.

Essential Amino Acids:

Acai contains a similar protein pro­file as an egg. Acai contains eight of the nine essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins for strength and endurance.


Anthocyanins are compounds found in plants, particularly berries, which have powerful antioxidant properties. Antho­cyanins, along with Vitamin E, prevent oxidant agents from damaging the connective tis­sue. In many countries, natural anthocyanins are prescribed as medicine for treating various diseases including micro-cir­culatiory diseases, resulting from capillary fragility.

Cancer Research:

The University of Florida, though Dr. Steven Talcott (now at Texas A&M) has found that Acai berries reduce cancer cells in laboratory tests. Many studies need to be done and human clinical tri­als could be under way soon.

According to Brian Clement, director of the Insti­tute, in his upcoming book Vi­tality, "acai is nearly impos­sible to find if you don't live in Brazil, but this unique fruit from a tropical palm is widely available in frozen form. It has become a 'wonder food' for its unique nutritional pro­file and is packed with scores of phytonutrients". Acai's phytonutrient qualities are mainly due to anthocyanin, water-soluble pigments that show as blue or red in the leaves or flesh of the fruit. Notably, they are re­sponsible for the color red in apples and roses. Other com­pounds found in the skin are cyandin 3-glucoside and cyan­din 3- rutinside, orientin, tax­ifolin deoxyhexose, asovitexin and scaparin.

It is safe to say that, giv­en its remarkable nutritional profile, this berry is one of the more com­plete foods on the planet. It is also well known in South Ameri­ca as a superior aphrodisiac. "

The Source:

"Doing People and the Planet Right". Carlos Garcia is the founder of Everything Nature Secrets from the Rainforest ...

an Orlando based company that wants to set the example of how a true sustainable de­velopment enterprise should operate. Carlos was born in Brazil and immigrated to the U. S in 1996 to learn English and get his education. He graduated in 2001 from the University of Houston, Clear Lake, Texas. He worked in Texas briefly before working for the Walt Disney Compa­ny. In the fall of 2005, Carlos left Disney and embarked on a trip to the Amazon jungle to explore the amazing beau­ty of the land.

There he found a huge opportunity to make a dif­ference in the lives of suffer­ing local communities while bringing a great product to the marketplace - acai berry drinks. Carlos came across several acai farmers, man­ufacturing facilities, and communities that were not given the chance to ob­tain fair prices for their products and were not giv­en the contacts to the final custom­ers that eventual­ly benefitted from the great food they harvested.

"Sure there were other Acai products on the but these were not market raw," says Carlos, "and no other company has ever of­fered the opportunity to small farmers and fruit processors to be part of a co-op, and be­come one united company." Most buyers are mid­dle-men trying to make a quick buck. Hardly ever do they stop to think about how they could benefit local communities. Carlos per­suaded the farmers to come together, bypass the middle­man, and achieve a leading position in the industry. The members of the co-op ob­tained above-market prices for their products and ben­efited from investments in infrastructure and quality control. Further, they gained a unique and previously un­known sense of pride.

Everything Nature employees work alongside the farmers, collecting the acai, developing new prod­ucts and showcasing their su­perfood. We only source wild crafted products from our co-op farmer members who respect the environment. Also in the works are plans for the creation of a nonprofit organization to work with local and international work with unscrupulous business people. We want to improve their education levels and educate them so they can prevent the destruction of the rainforest.

We are proud to partner with the Hippocrates Wellness and exclusively bring the smoothie packs to the World Wide Living / Raw Food Community.

To order Acai Raw Power, you may go to our online store org or call 561-471-8876 ext. 124

Vol 27 Issue 3 Page 36

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