Exercise-The Fit And The Fat

1 Jun 2012
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

The most enlightened group in health and nutrition behavior was designated as the “Healthy and Wealthy”. Healthy because the approximately 45 million members of this middle-aged group are conscientious about their weight and what they eat. They also exercise regularly and undergo regular medical tests. Wealthy because most of the members of this group are likely to have a college degree and be in the highest income bracket.

The second most enlightened group concerning the value of a healthy lifestyle was specified as the “Safe and Satisfied”. Members of this group tend to lead a healthy lifestyle, but have little apparent motivation to do better. Of the six categories, this group is most committed to the value of exercising. Paradoxically, given its name, this group is below average in the amount of time its members sleep and is also high in stress. More than half of the approximately 13 million members of this group are over 50. Most are slightly below average in both education and income.

The next most enlightened group in health and nutrition behavior was called the “Sedentary But Striving.” The vast majority (77%) of the 14.5 million individuals in this group are seriously overweight. Most members are aware of their weight problem, but only about half are trying to do something about it. As a group, most of the individuals rarely exercise. Comprised of nearly two-thirds women, the group tends to be mostly minorities and to have the lowest income levels.

The fourth most enlightened group with regard to the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle was named the “Young and Reckless.” Members of this group generally are cognizant of health-related values, but make little effort to practice them. Although they tend to exercise regularly, they pay little heed to nutrition. Constituting the largest group with slightly more than half being male, the 68 million individuals in this category are younger than the national average, are more educated, and have a slightly higher than average income.

The next to least most enlightened group was termed the “Fat and Frustrated.” Individuals in this group want to be healthy but don’t know what to do. Although group members have average nutritional habits, 88% are overweight. Most of those with a weight problem are trying unsuccessfully to lose weight. A majority of the 13 million in this group are women, slightly older than the national average, more likely to be minorities and have the lowest education level of the six groups.

The least more enlightened group in health and nutrition behavior was designated as the “Confused and Indifferent.” Group members have a limited knowledge of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and generally don’t care. White males holding blue collar jobs paying below average wages constitutes the majority of this nine-million-member group.

Vol 10 Issue 2 page 6

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