Supplements Exposed

29 May 2012
Read time: 5 min
Category: Archive

Vitamins are micro-nutrients essential to normal human metabolism. Every vitamin performs specific functions in the body and even at slightly diminished capacities can potentially wreak havoc. Despite overwhelming research, many scientists still fail to understand the workings of nutrients. Over time, synthetic vitamins weaken the immune system and make the body defenseless against disease. In fact synthetic vitamins are similar to drugs, both manufactured in labs through a series of chemical manipulations. Although causing fewer side effects, they merely treat the symptom of an illness. Like pharmaceutical drugs, they seem effective. But as long as the root cause is not treated, the body cannot fully recover.

Naturally occurring vitamins are derived solely from food and medicinal sources such as fruits, vegetables and botanicals. We find synthetic vitamins fortified into most foods, including breads, cereals, pastas, dairy, beverages and sweets. Our bodies have the inherent ability to perceive the difference between a natural, whole food vitamin and a synthetic supplement, releasing cells to fight the invasion, while distracting and diverting the body’s natural process of eliminating viruses, bacteria, disease and mutant cells like those associated with cancer.

What’s in a vitamin?

Most chemists define a vitamin as any isolated part of a nutrient. They do not distinguish a natural from a synthetic vitamin because the molecular structure appears similar. Chemists fail to accurately compare synthetics to natural supplements by overlooking four main elements: hormones, oxygen content, phytochemical levels and enzymes. All these work synergistically to keep the cells invigorated and so become just as important as the vitamins and minerals themselves. Synthetic vitamins are pure chemical compounds not created by nature. This controversy has been looming between natural and synthetic vitamins for nearly 80 years.

One ongoing experiment we’ve been conducting over the last two decades at Hippocrates indicates that the blood of over 11,000 guests taking synthetic supplements show little to no absorption or retention of the synthetic vitamins. The cells of these guests repeatedly show serious vitamin and nutrient deficiency. Yet by the end of a three-week stay on the Life Change Program participants make dramatic improvements. The program consists of a strictly organic and raw whole-foods diet, including natural vitamins made from whole foods.

What’s in a label?

Vitamins and supplements can contain synthetic or naturally occurring ingredients, yet practically every supplement on the market today is synthetic. Often times a product may begin with a natural base, but the odds are high that synthetic nutrients are added. The label often omits the combination of ingredients, so while we may be reading labels to find the highest quality products, we can easily be swayed by misleading and dishonest labeling information. The key point is taking vitamin supplements originating from naturally occurring full-spectrum food and botanical sources, identified by the phrase Naturally Occurring or Naturally Occurring Standard (NOS).

We are what we digest

Given the right nutrients, the human body inherently knows how to establish and restore excellent health, heal disease and strengthen from the inside. Yet a basic misconception is the notion that modern food contains all the vitamins we need. Many years ago, when the mineral and nutritive content of soil properly nourished plants and most foods were locally grown, fresh and eaten soon after harvesting, people consumed nutritionally richer foods. With 20th century modernization came the widespread use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, additives, preservatives and other contaminants.

Most of us today suffer from dietary deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the mineral-depleted soils are brought into proper balance. Foods like fruits, vegetables and grains growing on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough specific kinds of minerals, resulting in widespread nutritional deficiency, no matter how much of them we eat. A shortage of nutrients in both the growing and processing of food continues to spike, barely supplying minimum daily requirements. Even those diligently eating a diet of fruits and vegetables, food alone cannot sufficiently provide the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy and balanced life. Our culture is stuffed with myths, misinformation and misconceptions about the role of nutrition and supplementation in our lives.

The essential ingredient for good health is education. A compromised digestive system absorbs fewer nutrients and creates the conditions for obesity and other imbalances. Quality foods enhance health, strengthen immunity and create the best conditions for overall well-being. Hippocrates Wellness supports complementary and integrative medicine with a firm conviction in a healthy plant-based diet and lifestyle. Combined with natural and high quality supplementation, robust health can be regained and maintained. Hippocrates, the fifth century B.C. Greek physician, said it best: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

In Supplements Exposed: The Truth About Vitamins, Minerals & Their Effects on Your Health, Brian Clement, PhD, LN, NMD, exposes the myths shrouding the supplement industry. Unraveling layers of deception, the book provides much needed understanding and truthful information to help make informed choices and decipher misleading product labels.

Vol 29 Issue 3 Page 28

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