Alkaline Water Helps Improve Many Health Challenges

29 May 2012
Read time: 7 min
Category: Archive

Scientists, doctors and researchers are all in search of a magic bullet cure that they think will be found in some synthetic concoction they come up with in their laboratory. Might they all be looking in the wrong places?

Everyone knows that water is the source of all life on earth. NASA scientists send space probes around the universe in search of water because they know that if they can find water, life on other planets is possible. Why is it that something as simple as consuming more water is not considered when it comes to treating or preventing dis-ease?

Every single cell of our body runs on water. Cells are the bricks and mortar of our chemical makeup. Our respiratory and circulatory systems require water to function. The simple fact is without adequate hydration we would be dead. Could it be that the manifestation of disease symptoms is really your body’s cry for water? Of course, other aspects of health care also have to be considered if we are going to achieve optimal health?

The Water Solution

According to the World Health Organization for each pound of body weight you should drink half an ounce of water daily. Example: 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that’s how many glasses you will need to drink daily. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks; these act as diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz. of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz. of water to re-hydrate your body.

Monitor your pH, checking both urine and saliva with test strips after fully detoxing. The ideal internal fluid pH is 7.365. The lower the reading, the more acid your body is and the more difficult it is for it to repair itself because it is then in a degenerative state. You will find that in most cases, people with cancer and other terrible health challenges are very acidic. But, of course, there are foods you need to select for proper pH. That’s why the thrust at Hippocrates Wellness is organic 100% raw food, which is perfect for alkalizing the body. You will be amazed at how acid soda, coffee, tea and beer are when you check them with litmus paper. Likewise check the worst and best foods with litmus paper so you understand how important it is to eat properly. Exercise must also be practiced regularly as nothing works without proper exercise.

If you don’t get your car’s ball joints greased, you have metal on metal and the joints will wear out. If you don’t get enough cartilage lubrication, your cartilage will degenerate and bone rubs on bone causing your joints to wear out and degenerate causing arthritis. According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, most so-called incurable diseases are nothing more than disease labels given to various stages of dehydration. Staying with the car analogy, don’t we change the oil in our cars on a regular basis -then why don’t we change the fluid in our bodies on a regular basis? Have you seen oil in a car that hasn’t been changed for a long time? Well, just imagine the fluids in your body… blood, lymph, and the all-important cells. Don’t you believe we owe it to ourselves to keep cleaning up those fluids and start relieving some of the pressure we put on our kidneys and liver? You can do this by drinking more water.

What is the best water to drink?

According to over 60 years of research that has been carried out by the Japanese it is ionized water. They have shown that drinking water with a pH of 9.1 to 9.3 is the best therapy you can give your body. This pH means that the water is alkaline and can be used by our bodies to relieve some of the stress created by an acidic situation. The ionized water also has additional hydroxyl (OH-) molecules that function in the body as a liquid anti-oxidant. It has been proven in recent years that anti-oxidants are very beneficial for our health as they neutralize free radicals.

One of the most effective ways of ensuring you drink alkaline water is by using a water ionizer, as used at Hippocrates Wellness in the Oasis Therapy Center. A water ionizer produces a high pH water to assist the body in balancing the pH of the fluids within the body. It is a natural way to detox on a daily basis. In fact a water ionizer produces two types of water at the same time – alkaline water, known as antioxidant water and acidic water, known as cleansing water. Yes, as mentioned above, the alkaline water becomes a very powerful antioxidant to fight the excess free radical cells causing many of the problems in degenerative disease. The antioxidant water produces more oxygen for the body to use effectively. Oxygenation cannot be emphasized enough; that’s why oxygen therapy plays a major role in the therapies at the Hippocrates Wellness.

The second water produced by the machine, the cleansing water, is used to clean everything; the body, surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom plus floors. The cleansing water has become a powerful antibacterial and it’s great for burns and all types of wounds. Research has shown that bacteria are destroyed on contact, even Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and the most virulent strains of E. coli.

Tap water is initially filtered through the machine’s 1 micron fibrous carbon filter. The filter provides a defense against the barrage of toxins added to our water by industry and our population, which ends up in our water supply. Many choose to add the Ionizer as the last stage, after their existing water cleaning system. Can you believe there can be up to 350 separate chemicals and adverse substances found in tap water?

Conditions the antioxidant alkaline water can assist:

• Allergies including hay fever

• Treat fungal disease on the body such as athlete’s foot

Potential treatments for the cleansing acidic water:

• Blotchy, rough, cracked and dry skin

• Acne

• Rashes

• Eczema

• Psoriasis

• Burns

• Wounds including open wounds

• Mouth sores and ulcers

• Blisters

• Insect bites

• Alternative to soaps and wash creams - It’s a natural astringent so use it to cleanse the skin instead of or in combination with your favorite soaps (especially on the face).

Vol 27 Issue 2 Page 48

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