Chronic Fatigue

31 May 2012
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

In 1993, I became almost immobilized with pain and was unable to work full time. I was going through a divorce and a mid-life crisis. A good friend recommended massage for the pain I was suffering. After six sessions, I was out of pain and feeling much better. Leaving his office after the last treatment I said to him, “I would love to be able to help people like you have helped me.” He replied, “All you have to do is go to school and learn what I learned.” Within one month I was in massage therapy and colon therapy school and my life was undergoing a dramatic change.

It was very inspiring to be reacquainted with the physiology of the human body, so much so that I made the decision to return to vegetarianism.

Eventually in 1997, I took the plunge and became a vegan (no animal products). Over time, I significantly increased the amount of raw foods in my diet, until it was a steady 85% raw. During this transition, I owned and operated a retail herb shop and earned my degree in naturopathy. My health improved substantially while going through these changes, slow at first, then faster and faster as my food choices improved. I discovered the purer the foods, the healthier I became. At this point I slowed down and even reversed my unhealthy trend of pre-mature aging.

By chance, while attending a medical conference, I met Brian and Anna Maria Clement, the co-directors of Hippocrates; they suggested that I pay a visit. Well, a short visit turned into a full-time position several weeks later. Today, as the director of the Oasis Therapy Center at Hippocrates Wellness, I am enjoying a lifestyle envied by many that are twenty years younger. I ride bicycles with a team and participate in long distance events of 100 miles or more in one day. I also love to skydive and have more than 350 jumps in my logbook. I scuba dive every chance I get; diving as many as five times in one day. I know the energy levels I have are a direct result of my diet and lifestyle and would not want it any other way. Living a life filled with energy and balance has also allowed me to go inward to focus on my spiritual beliefs. Being a vegan has raised my awareness about animal cruelty and the unwarranted suffering of these helpless creatures. I am proud to be a vegan as I know this choice helps the planet. As a result of following this lifestyle, I am experiencing an incredibly vital existence that I would love to help you achieve.

Vol 24 Issue 4 page 23

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