
31 May 2012
Read time: 4 min
Category: Archive

Our journey began 16 years ago when David & I met in college. From the beginning, we knew we had a very special connection-this great love and connectedness prompted us to leave college, marry and start a family. In 1989, shortly after leaving school, the doctors told me that I had an abnormality of the womb and would not be able to have children. Our initial shock gave way quickly and was replaced with determinedness; David and I just could not accept this diagnosis. We became vegetarians and immediately immersed ourselves in many books on natural living, from adopting a mucus 6;: dairy-free diet to longevity through fasting. As we learned more, we began experimenting with fasting, first juice fasting and then water fasting. Along the way, we met a beautiful individual who guided us through our first 21-day fast. It was an amazing experience in itself, and even more so because, just prior to completing the fast, we conceived twin girls!

David and I were ecstatic. Around this same time, we were introduced to the concept of a non-cooked diet, which seemed radical; yet, we were open because of the wonderful results from fasting. We had been vegan vegetarian for years and were living a very healthy lifestyle, according to most. Over time, though, we began to realize that life is all about levels—we learned this first-hand with our son, Ptahhotep, which in the native African culture means: the creator of moral law. We call him ‘Ptah’ for short.

Prior to conceiving Ptah, we enjoyed a fruit-based, raw—vegan diet and were feeling our best, physically emotionally and spiritually. But, during my pregnancy we decided to go back to our cooked vegetarian diet to "give the body a little more." The living foods diet was more; we just didn’t know it until several months later. As an infant, Ptah had a very bad case of eczema, which causes the skin to be very scaly discolored and irritatingly itchy to the point where he would bleed from his constant scratching. He suffered for many months. We were given all types of remedies, from both natural and allopathic doctors, but nothing worked. Eventually he was hospitalized, having lost a significant amount of weight as well as the pigment in his hair. We were devastated; how could he be so far from health, when we had invested so much in ours?

It wasn’t until we started giving him liquid chlorophyll, a green miracle which not only oxygenates the body but also purifies the blood that he showed signs of recovery .Then it dawned on us: chlorophyll is one of the essential nutrients of the living foods diet...his body needs living foods! At that point, we eliminated all cooked foods from our diet, and wow did he shine (and his skin too!) As a family we then began to experience an abundance of new-found energy strength vitality and most of all peace of mind.

We now have six beautiful, healthy and very happy children, who no longer contract colds, flues or fevers. I cannot tell you how many people tell us that we are the ‘picture of health.’ Both David and I feel very blessed for all of our experiences and that we are now living here in Florida-near Hippocrates. Through all of this, we recognize our responsibility not only to heal ourselves, but to help others do the same. This is why David and I are so excited about learning the Hippocrates Living Foods Lifestyle and becoming Certified Hippocrates Health Educators. We truly believe that the Hippocrates Living Foods Lifestyle is in harmony with nature itself. . . and this is what we have decided to teach others. Thank you Brian and Anna Maria for creating such a wonderful place for us to further our family’s journey and, most importantly to assist us in fulfilling our divine destiny of helping others back to health.

Vol 24 Issue 2 Page 19

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