False Foods and Harmful Substances

29 May 2012
Read time: 7 min
Category: Archive

Back in the early days of Hippocrates, the field of natural healthcare always had a preface attached to it: "No profit." Today, this field is very profitable and is laced with hype and innuendo more than facts and concern. There is abundant evidence to support the natural health field's fall from grace. Most supplements, considered the next trillion-dollar industry, harm more than help. Many health-store foods are processed and filled with dangerous ingredients. It is of serious concern when people who purportedly claim to be experts misguide the public with super-spectacular foods that supposedly contain benefits in spite of their long-term negative history.

Living and raw foods have become a mainstay for cutting-edge, conscious consumers and they must be aware that even in this arena there are both preferable selections and undesirable choices. We cannot thoughtlessly pick cuisine just because it is labeled "organic" and "uncooked." There are three additional questions that should be considered before indulging:

A. How much total nutrition am I receiving from the consumption of this food?

B. Does it contain any counter-productive elements or ingredients?

C. Will this fare provide long-lasting benefits with lifelong consumption?

Let us take one food out of the multitude that are being touted as beneficial - raw coconut meat and its oil - and apply this three-question standard to it. First we would like to point out that the coconut water from raw green coconut is of great benefit and does not display any counter-indication for health. Actually, it is an extremely healthful beverage and assists in building strong cells and strengthening immunity. Coconut meat and the oil extracted from it (saturated fat) have recently been rescued from a reputation as a dangerous palm oil and elevated to the status of a fat superstar. The reigning controversy over short-chain and long-chain fatty acids has led many into believing that this long-chain palm oil assists in preventing cardiovascular disease, elevates brain function and even burns away fat. Without long-term clinical and laboratory research, much that is being written and taught about this "usual suspect" is newborn revelation based upon short-term thinking. Over the last decade at Hippocrates Wellness we have been questioning the validity of mass consumption of saturated oils, whether they are organic and vegan or not. Through hundreds of clinical observations, it has been revealed that small amounts of raw coconut oil and meat produce no detrimental signs. On the other hand, when individuals consume larger amounts of this tasty treat on a regular basis, their livers and gall bladders work overtime and begin to produce unnecessary and unwanted cholesterol. Unanimously, we have confirmed that this high level of consumption dramatically and negatively affects cholesterol and low and high density lipid levels in the body as well in the blood serum. Applying our questions:

A. There is very little nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals contained in coconut meat/oil. They provide high-quality proteins and notable fats required by the body for energy. This protein and fat could be obtained from highly nutritious and healthy sources such as hemp, flax, sunflower sprouts, etc.

B. No matter how you view it, coconut oil is saturated fat and as such is not optimal. The mainstream jury is still out on coconut oil, although Hippocrates Institute has concluded the trial. At best, minute amounts of this food source can be healthfully consumed. Anything beyond a tablespoon, at most, of coconut oil several times a week and no more than the meat of two raw, green coconuts per week can be safely consumed by most individuals.

C. Since, other than imported varieties, fresh, raw coconut is geographically available only in tropical parts of world, it is obviously not an essential food for the masses. Irreproachable research has shown that saturated fat consumption via animal sources is detrimental in every case. This allows the understanding that most people who do not have access to any other saturated fats, other than animal-based varieties, would be better served by not consuming them. The same holds true in communities where little to no animal foods are consumed yet coconut and its oil is available. Small amounts may be utilized, whereas more is harmful.

We have just ventured into one of many false food fads prevalent today. Among others, the consumption of so-called natural sugars via carrot juice, beet juice and fresh fruit are finally surfacing as trouble-makers. When an individual is healthy and not in the conquest of disease, small amounts of organic and ripe diluted juices and fruits can healthfully be consumed. Otherwise, you are adding fuel to the fire when supplying your body with these sugar-saturated choices that feed everything from deadly microbes to invasive mutagens. Proponents of high fruit and sweet juice consumption will mislead you by saying that these are natural foods. The critical part of the story that is omitted is that most individuals have a dysfunctional pancreas (the organ that regulates all sugars) and further, that fruits and root vegetables such as carrots and beets have been hybridized for millennia to achieve greater sweetness. Needless to say, with fruit there is the additional complication that all fruit, including organic, is intentionally harvested prematurely to sustain the fruit and dramatically reduce perishability. This added dimension plunges the unripe fruit into a new category as a nutrient scavenger in your body.

Your relationship with food must be based upon rational thinking and nutritional responsibility. Sadly, we consider food to be a vehicle for socialization, sensuality and sexuality, rather than a gathering of positive chemicals that fulfills our body's need for fuel. When we reduce the romanticism surrounding food choices, clarity begins to shine on our own disturbing patterns. It is at this time that we can alter our course and establish the high ground of eating to supply nutrient requirements. Many of us focus on food as the main theme of our existence since we have unhappy and unfulfilling lives. The question most asked is, "How can I forego this pleasurable aspect of life?" The answer is clear: Once you have a life worth living, you do not require food to take the place of fulfillment. Those who have reached normality with their palate use food to energize a happy existence and do not permit it to become an obstacle that so often fogs reality. We must live to the fullest without the burden of addiction. Never should half measures be taken and allowed to veil landmark nutrition that builds not only body, but character. There are many ways to achieve strong and productive lives, and choosing and consuming health-building foods is one of the most viable and essential ways to expedite your progress to this powerful plateau. When you commit to the best, your integrity is called out and flourishes in the light of truth. Do not pretend to be self-respecting while allowing unsuitable selections to contaminate your being. Instead, move forward with the courage to go beyond the norm and venture into new realms of conscious living. False foods produce false life: Make it your priority to rise above them and excel.

Vol 26 Issue 4 page 8

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