Gall Stone, Mercury, Toxicity

1 Jun 2012
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

The doctors then performed a series of tests to examine my brain, blood and muscles and could not determine what was making me ill. Their only recommendation was to take sleeping pills. Meanwhile, the pain was increasing and spread throughout my entire body 5oon, I lost my voice and lay like a stone in bed. After hospitalization the doctors sent me home to die because they thought I was incurable. I did not abide by their wishes, though, and they eventually prescribed rehabilitation. By the end of 1980 my eyes were failing me and I was getting worse. Finally a friend gave me an article about Brendel, a natural health clinic located outside of Stockholm. When I arrived, Anna Maria Gahns (now Anna Maria Clement), the health administrator, took me under her wing. She prepared green dishes and juices and performed enemas; she even sang to us. She pointed out that my gall bladder had problems so we flushed it out. To my surprise, I observed hundreds of little green transparent pebbles pouring out of me. After three weeks, I was well enough to go home. I had lost 18 pounds and continued on raw juices, sprouts and grated root vegetables.

The doctors finally came back with a definitive diagnosis of multiple scleroses. When I told them I was well on my way to recovery through these lifestyle changes, they snapped back and said alternative methods do not work and that recovery would have happened anyway.  Although my health was slowly rebuilding, my memory wasn’t the same as in my youth. I was concerned, so I went for tests. They found that my brain was poisoned with mercury which had probably seeped there from the amalgam fillings in my teeth. Once I had them removed, I felt as though a weight was taken from my shoulders. The swelling in my face waned and I was 75% better. By 1985 I fully embraced the Hippocrates living food program and began using homeopathy and juice fasting. Now nearly 70 years young, I am healthier than ever! Soon it will be my 20th anniversary of eating a 100% organic living—food diet. During the summer, I frolic in my garden, which houses 320 different plants, and conduct tours, explaining how medicinal botanicals can help one to heal and maintain health. My grandchildren also keep me busy and I love every minute we spend together. Thanks to Anna Maria Clement and the Hippocrates Wellness I live an energetic, pain—free life and feel I have a lot to contribute.

Vol 5 Issue 1 page 13

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