The 10 Commandments of Food Combining & Dining

8 May 2018
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

Did you know that there are certain foods that will benefit you greater and also some that will not serve you when eaten in combination? Welcome to food combining! This methodology is one that we practice at Hippocrates Wellness so that we can achieve the greatest and most nourishing benefits from our food. We hope these simple 10 steps benefit you on your road to health and wellness. In our Life Transformation Program at Hippocrates we take time to really explore the "why" behind these guides. As with many things, these are not doctrine, but rather some steps to set you down the right path!

  1. Consume food and beverage at room temperature—hot and cold temperatures alter enzyme activity and thus affect digestion and tax the body.
  2. Avoid drinking 30 minutes before and 2 to 3 hours after eating.
  3. Avoid combining protein and starch.
  4. Avoid eating more than one type of protein at a time (this does NOT mean you cannot combine more than one variety of nuts or seeds at a meal). The same goes for fat: KEEP IT SIMPLE.
  5. Avoid combining more than one fat/protein. For example, don’t use avocado, oil and nuts in a dressing; choose just one of these.
  6. Eat fruit only with other similar types of fruit. Also, eat fruit only on occasion and when not facing a health challenge. You may combine sweet fruit with sub-acid fruit and sub-acid fruit with acid fruit, but avoid combining acid fruit with sweet fruit.
  7. Eat melon alone or only with other types of melon.
  8. Avocados go well with either vegetables or fruit, as do onions, garlic, flowers and some herbs.
  9. Eat greens and veggies with EITHER avocado OR nuts and seeds OR

    starchy foods.

  10. It is always best to combine as few ingredients as possible for ideal digestion. In the wild, would you expect to find a banana tree next to an apple tree next to an onion plant, or a macadamia nut tree next to a northern pea bush?

    Wild animals usually eat one food at a time, as did humans for thousands

    of years before food-processing technologies.

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