Turmeric to The Rescue

31 May 2012
Read time: 4 min
Category: Archive

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the buildup of amyloid protein within the brain — much like plaque build- up on your teeth. In a study concluded in July 2007, the University of California, Los Angeles, reported that curcumin is effective in inhibiting the formation of the protein fragments that deteriorate brain function. They found that the low molecular weight and polar structure of curcumin allowed it to penetrate the blood—brain barrier and bind to the beta-amyloids preventing them from forming the disease-causing plaque.

Using blood samples from Alzheimer’s disease patients, researchers found that the active ingredient of curcuminoids, bisdemethoxy-curcumin, boosted immune cells called macrophages to clear beta-amyloids. In previous studies in rats, curcumin "not only reduces the amyloid build-up, but also reduces the (brain’s) response to the amyloid," according to UCLA researcher, Dr. Sally Frautschy.

Additional research has found that curcuminoids contain powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are crucial for the relief of arthritis and for protection against g the risk of cancer.

D r. Rus —   sell Blaylock, M.D., board-certified neurosurgeon, Retired Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and currently in private practice, states, "There is a multi level anti-cancer process that occurs affecting the growth cells from the use of this eastern delicacy. Addition- ally, it strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar, and acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory ..."

Many researchers suggest that we need between 1000 and 3000 milligrams of curcumin daily to see any therapeutic effect. Since it would be difficult to consume this level in the condiment form, it is generally accepted that we consume it as a supplement. It is also known to be helpful to take this supplement with oil-rich feeds such as sprouts, algae, and/or condiment oils such as Hippocrates’ PHYSNEUR oil. Many researchers also believe that turmeric’s interaction with magnesium increases its effectiveness. Consuming feeds rich in magnesium or taking a bio available liquid magnesium supplement, such as ENIVA, can multiply its benefit.

Hippocrates’ LifeGive Life One immune boosting liquid also contains turmeric because of its phytonutrient benefits. Those people concerned with mental acuity and memory loss may benefit from consuming a minimum of 1000 milligrams of Vibrant Health’s Maximized Curcuminoids. For severe memory loss problems, we would suggest the use of up to 3,000 milligrams daily.

There are some people who should avoid the excessive use of turmeric. Curcumin acts a natural anticoagulant, therefore pregnant women and people on anti-coagulant medications, including aspirin, should not take it. lt is also contraindicated for people who suffer from gallstones as it increases bile How and can incite the passing of stones too large for the bile duct. Once these conditions are resolved, consultation with a licensed and experienced nutritionist, herbalist, or other health professional is recommended before starting a turmeric regimen.

In our quest to bring you the latest finding on natural living, we advise anyone with a tumor, arthritis, rheumatism or memory loss concern to consider incorporating this food and its supplemental counterpart into your daily dietary routine. For more information on this product, please call the Hippocrates’ Store at (561) 471-8876 ext. 124,

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Scientists Isolate Chemical in Curry That May Help Immune System Clear Plaques Found in Alzheimer’s 7/1 7/2007

Vol 28 Issue 1 Page 42

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