Sugar, a Bitter Enemy

31 May 2012
Read time: 2 min
Category: Archive

In the beginning it was an extremely rare and costly luxury, and only the privileged ruling classes could afford to buy it, but with each advancing century its use spread throughout the civilized world. Sugar and slavery became firmly linked as its cultivation and manufacture spread in the 1400’s.

The Triangle Trade of rum, molasses, and slaves brought from Africa literally changed the history of this country, and the rapidly spreading use of sugar has undermined the health of all nations.

The addictive nature of sugar has been well documented and those people who eat a combination of sugar and the processed cocoa bean receive a double whammy. The combined addictiveness of sugar and the caffeine found in chocolate is no joke. Refined sugar is actually concentrated, crystallized acid which has spawned a long list of serious diseases.

The natural sugar that is found in fresh vegetables and fruits should be our only choice if we value our health. Sugar is an enemy to our pancreas and is one of the direct causes of killer diseases. It should be recognized as an addictive drug, and a relentless health destroyer.

Vol 17 Issue 4 page 4

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