Why Are We Here?

24 Oct 2017
Read time: 5 min
Category: Archive

The Peruvian Q’ero shamans are descendants of the Incas who ruled the Royal house of the Sun. The ancients lived close to the land and respected it. They were a very evolved civilization, knew the herbs of healing and remembered the mysteries and the stories handed down through generations. They used energy to heal, and they understood the powers of visualization.

In the Q’ero tribes children are seen as teachers for they have the strongest connection with Spirit. They are treated with great respect and they are encouraged to dream. The elders listen to them and get insights. They learn how to manifest and heal through play and how to always look at the world with new eyes. The children do not know what is possible and what isn’t so their power is greater. They are connected to their god-like nature so they can create or heal from a place of pure belief and possibility where there are no limitations.

The shamans believe that we come to this world as perfect beings, pure souls, untainted, holding immense cosmic wisdom. Paradoxically, when we come here we forget all about our divine nature. In the first 7 years of our lives we slowly unlearn everything and we fall deeper and deeper in the material. We forget silence so we may find language and words, we forget oneness so we may become individuals, we forget non-judgement so we may learn to name things and to label. Our personas start shaping and are defined by our experiences and the collections of beliefs that we acquire. We become a mixture of inherited world views and fresh experiences and we move further away from source. We forget why we came here.

“WHY ARE WE HERE?” is one of the most important questions that should guide our lives. It’s funny how we sometimes forget to address it. We get used to the linear approach of time and calculate our lives based on milestones such as finishing college, having a career, buying a house, getting married, making babies, paying for their education, growing old, having grandchildren. We follow this map that has been created for us and we begin to believe that that’s all there is. No time to question life or think too much. No time to connect to our true essences, to listen to our souls. No time for nature or self-discovery, no time to understand the constancy of chance or the cycles of life. This often leads to unhappiness, disconnection from source, unbalance, emotional turmoil and eventually disease.

The shamans believe that all disease begins in the Human Energy Field, in the aura and materializes in the human biological organism. They believe that lack of connection to our soul journey is the main factor that causes all our bodies (physical, mental-emotional, soul body, energetic) to be imbalanced, creates disharmony in our auras and eventually dis-ease, be it physical or emotional.

Healing happens when we remember the connection with source and our god-like nature. When we become empty as children. Empty of our beliefs, fears, toxic emotions or, energetic imprints. Healing happens when we understand that there is a correspondence between every single thing in the universe and understand that there is more to this life than the middle world and the place of matter. Healing happens when we remember who we are and why we are here.

Workshop at Hippocrates Wellness, November 4: REMEMBERING WHO YOU ARE - A shamanic journey

This workshop is designed to assist you in attaining life goals, restoring health, releasing old behavior patterns and emotional pain. Through several interactive experiences you will dive deep within yourself and discover those areas of your life that are blocking you from living at your fullest potential.

You will step into the world of the ,mythic and learn to see the unseen through shamanic eyes. You will receive tools and practices that will enable you not only to connect with your higher self and discover your true calling, but will also make you aware of the sacred connection that we have with nature and Mother Earth. Medicine walks, outdoor sand paintings and sacred fire ceremonies are just a few of the activities that you will experience.

Catrinel Popescu is a modern shaman. Cat has been living in the Amazonian jungle with the tribes and she has been practicing shamanic healing at the Spirit of the Inca School since 2009. She is an experienced diver into the unknown, and a bridge between the worlds. She is well versed in creating and embracing change and she is intimately familiar with healing trauma, soul loss and intrusive energies.

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