Change In Mind Can Change Your Health

1 Jun 2012
Read time: 13 min
Category: Archive

Changing the consciousness can shift the bio-energy field, and alter the course of disease. A spontaneous remission is related to the changes in the vibrational frequency of the bio-energy field that occur when healthy shifts occur in the strength, coherency, and flow of our emotions.

The growing field of Quantum Medicine enables us to look at the human body as an electrical/electromagnetic system which is charged and which charges the larger Quantum Field. Consciousness is the organized carrier of information and as each person has their own “personality templates” each person has their own unique “Bio-Energy Field Frequency Pattern.” Consciousness is the agency of change for emotions. Emotions carry charge and charge is the agency of change within matter. The more charge that a unit of matter possesses, the more it can change.

What this all means is that a healthy emotional change can profoundly affect the vitality of our body’s ability to heal.

Our perceptions, experiences and behaviors actually communicate back up through the RNA channel to the DNA, and can change gene expression and even change DNA. The implications are exciting when we can appreciate how by turning on and off certain genes, we are allowed access to the library of knowledge of how to optimize health and longevity. When we begin to realize that consciousness is not a thing, but rather the process and potential of constructing reality, we can appreciate in our animate universe, which includes the very matrix of all of our cells, everything is consciousness. Consciousness is the organizing principle for all things, determining the arrangement of universal energy into matter and non-matter and the arrangement of DNA information into its various forms.

Dr. Simonton and Dr. Hranicky have developed a way to teach people how to access the power of the mind and emotions to alter the course of cancer. These concepts can be applied to any illness. They can also be used by anyone wanting to optimize their health or quality of life in general.

Some of the key tenets of their program are built on enhancing and strengthening some core attitudes associated with desirable outcomes, longer survival and generally improved states of well-being.

These include: hope, trust and spiritual purpose.

Hope: To cherish a desire with anticipation without any necessary basis for expecting fulfillment; to expect with confidence good things;

Trust: Confidence or faith in a higher guiding force and reliance on an expectation that life’s events have important meaning that we may not fully understand at this time;

Spiritual Purpose: We all are here for a reason, and our life has great meaning.

What we link pleasure to and what we link pain to in our lives, often influences the focus of our attention daily and, thereby, our daily emotional well-being. Love, health and longevity are natural states and byproducts of being connected to source energy - pure, positive, flowing energy. For example, achieving happy loving relationships and personal success are merely byproducts of focusing our desires, which brings a state of joy where we have vibrational attraction to that which is a vibrational match for us.

We can create new emotional habits and condition ourselves to feel great.

The quality of our emotional life is largely determined by our consistent thought patterns as well the quality of the questions we ask ourselves daily. If we ask ourselves questions that by definition will produce an undesirable or distressing answer, then we won’t feel as good as if we were to ask ourselves questions that produce more empowering and optimistic answers. Knowing how to excite ourselves emotionally and then how to reinforce our desired emotional states is key to knowing how to influence our relationships in desired directions and how to influence the healing systems in our bodies.

Our emotional state at any given moment reflects what we’ve been paying attention to and the quality of our thoughts about any given focus or topic we have been playing over in our minds. Although most people find it a challenge to shift from depression to excitement quickly….it is amazing how quickly we can feel better when we use the built-in guidance system of our emotions as feedback. We can begin to feel better by changing our thoughts in even the slightest way that brings a softer more loving, positive and compassionate view of ourselves and others.

Emotional relief can come in the moment we shift our attention to something more desirable. This shift is also reflected immediately in our vibrational energy which is electric by nature. It is our nature to feel good and when we remove the resistance of unwanted or undesirable thoughts that block our true nature, we begin to return to our natural state of pure, flowing positive energy. This is the energy that creates life and the energy that creates a state of optimal well-being. Choosing thoughts consciously that make us feel good becomes part of our daily hygiene when we make it a priority that nothing is more important for our health than feeling good. This of course, dramatically impacts our relationships in healthy ways. By changing our thoughts, we change our vibration, and we extend that into the world which influences vibrational change in others as well.

The quality of our health is determined to a large degree by the quality of our communication with ourselves. How we feel and what we do is determined by the meaning we associate with the things that affect our lives. We are not upset by things, but by how we view them. Our emotions and our behaviors significantly impact our health, and this certainly includes cancer as well as other illnesses.

How do I know which of my beliefs are the healthiest to keep?

Evaluate them using the following criteria:

Superior Beliefs:

  1. Empower You
  2. Support your health, well-being, and longevity
  3. Protect your survival
  4. Test in reality (factually based)
  5. Give you energy
  6. Engender more self-love and love for others
  7. Lead to greater pleasure and less emotional pain, anger, and fear
  8. Add value to others and to our planet
  9. How do your beliefs test out? If you are uncertain where to begin analyzing your beliefs, start with your most routine emotional responses that characterize you in your everyday life. If you routinely feel sad, then what causes you to be sad? The answer is your conscious or unconscious belief about yourself, someone or something in your life. For example, I don’t believe that I am loved just for being me.

    The next step would be to evaluate this belief using the above criteria.

    An example of a belief to evaluate:

    Belief: I don’t believe that I am loved just for being me. Emotional response: Sadness.

    To evaluate the relative health value of this belief, ask yourself the following questions. Remember, superior beliefs have at least six of the eight criteria listed above.

    Belief Evaluation Checklist:

    1. Does this belief empower me?
    2. Does this belief support my health, well-being, and longevity?
    3. Does this belief protect my short-term survival and long-term survival?
    4. Does this belief have good reality testing?
    5. Does this belief energize me?
    6. Does this belief engender my self love or long-term survival?
    7. Does this belief lead to greater emotional pleasure and less emotional pain, anger, and fear?
    8. Does this belief contribute to the welfare of others and the planet?
    9. A belief is a feeling of certainty about the meaning of something. The way we develop this feeling of certainty is through our experiences. If you ask yourself questions that cause you to see that there are plenty of examples in your life that contradict your limiting belief, it will be harder to maintain this limiting belief. This can help make room for new beliefs. Often, we focus on past experiences that have been associated with pain. However, we then find ourselves re-creating emotional pain in the present, and our body does not know the difference between real and imagined pain. We need to change limiting beliefs that are based on old experiences of pain- otherwise we keep creating a sense of continued distress.

      Our beliefs are optional. To activate your healing system, activate healthy beliefs.

      Transformational vocabulary: If you eliminate some of the negative words in your vocabulary, you will begin to eliminate some of the unhealthy beliefs often associated to negative and painful experiences. Change the way you view your personal history. Give better meanings to your past, and you will give different and more optimistic meanings to your future – and an empowered belief system for the future including increased hope and faith. Practice paying attention to what you focus on and what you ignore. The process of framing can help you learn how to change the meanings of situations of life.

      Pre-framing: In advance, tell yourself something to pay attention to that is desirable, and “how” you want to feel with the outcome of a situation.

      Re-framing: Change something that you view as a “problem” to something with a better meaning. Create new experiences so that you have references for your empowered beliefs.

      Both excitement and hopelessness affect our physiology. Consistent hopelessness, despair or chronic distress impacts the central nervous system, which is connected to the other body systems. These systems, in turn, influence cell division. Normal cell division is occurring constantly. But when you have long-term depression or hopelessness, it affects the hormonal, immune, lymph and drainage systems of the body, creating imbalances in the body. Everything becomes more sluggish, and toxins aren’t excreted as efficiently. Waste products are not eliminated in the body, weakening cellular health. The opposite is also true. Whatever helps you become more excited about life translates at the cellular level. When you’re motivated, it’s as if your whole body has been turned on, and the cells become more alive.

      You were born with an incredible gift- the power of your brain and body to work together. When you use your power properly, you can transform the quality of your life and health. Your mind and emotions have tremendous ability to stimulate the healing properties naturally built into your body. When you have good, strong energy, it’s important to look at what you’ve been doing, thinking and feeling. When you’re tired or in physical pain, recall what you’ve been thinking in the last 24 hours. If you develop a cold, what was going on in your life in the last 24-48 hours? None of these things happen in a vacuum.

      The power to change the way you view things gives you the ability to change your emotional state and health. Again, as outlined above, to make changes - we must first attach or perceive a different and better meaning to life events. In simple language: “Pick a better thought that gives you more emotional relief and that feels better.” Did you know that about 98-99 percent of your stress responses are not activated by real danger but instead by what you perceive as danger?

      Most of our emotional pain, anger and fear are activated by perceptions created through unhealthy learned beliefs and attitudes. When you’re in a state of emotional pain, anger or fear that arises from unhealthy beliefs, you’ll stay stuck in these danger emotions until you shift your focus or change your belief. Changing your focus is short-term emotional management. Changing your unhealthy beliefs is long-term emotional management and leads to long-lasting stress management, increased states of emotional well-being, and optimal health! n

      Carl Simonton, M.D. and Janet Hranicky, Ph. D. have worked together 30 years in pioneering the field of PsychoNeuroImmunology and cancer.

      O. Carl Simonton, MD.

      Medical Director

      Simonton Cancer Center

      Dr. O. Carl Simonton is an internationally acclaimed oncologist, author and speaker who is best known for his pioneering insights and research in the field of psychosocial oncology.

      Dr. Simonton is the Director of The Simonton Cancer Center in California, who has developed a internationally respected model of emotional support for the treatment of cancer patients... an approach that introduced the concept that one’s state of mind could influence one’s ability to survive cancer. He has authored books and a film on the topic.

      The Simonton Cancer Center

      P.O. Box 6607 Malibu, CA 90264

      Toll Free: (800) 459-3424

      Local: (818) 879-7904

      E-mail: [email protected]

      Janet Hranicky, Ph.D.

      Founder & President

      The American Wellness, Inc.

      Dr. Hranicky is the Founder and President of The American Wellness. For the last 25 years, she and her colleague, O. Carl Simonton, M.D. together have led the longest running Psychological Intervention Program for cancer in the world. They have trained thousands of physicians, nurses, and health care professionals in the renowned Simonton Cancer Center Model. Dr. Hranicky has gone on to expand this work in her own research and has developed the theoretical foundation and treatment protocol to be implemented in designing guidelines for a Standard of Care in Mind/Body Medicine and Cancer. Dr. Hranicky’s distinguished work is now available in a multi-media educational format “The Hranicky Psycho-Oncology Program: A Premier Intervention and Treatment Model for Integrative Cancer Care.”

      The American Wellness

      12381 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite #102

      Los Angeles, CA 90025

      Office: (310) 820-6042

      Fax: (310) 207-3342

      Vol 29 Issue 2 Page 34

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