Alternatives to Cow's Milk

6 Apr 2016
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

When you consider the range of alternatives to cow’s milk-based foods, you have many options beyond soy products to experiment with. Consider these nutritious and health-centered foods:

Almond milk:

It’s rich in vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, and magnesium, all important to human health and all plentiful in almond nuts. You will also benefit from its unsaturated fat, protein, and flavonoids.

Basic Almond Milk:

Makes 6 cups

2 cups soaked almonds

6 cups pure filtered water

Mesh nut milk or sprouting bag

1. Blend soaked almonds in a high speed blender.

2. Using the nut milk bag, carefully strain the milk. With

excess pulp, crumble on dehydrator sheets and dehydrate

until crisp. Milk will last for three days in the fridge.

Pine Nut Milk:

This nut and the milk made from it provide healthy doses of copper, magnesium, and calcium. It has a low overall fat content, despite its reputation as a fatty nut.

Coconut Milk:

It has a high saturated fat content, about as much as cow’s milk, so only consume it in moderation. But otherwise, coconut milk is free of cholesterol and yet rich in ‘good’ fats and lauric acid, a component of human breast milk. It also gives you a lot of vitamin D and vitamin B.

Hazelnut Milk:

A combination of sprouted hazelnuts and pure water is the usual preparation method. It contains healthy doses of vitamin D and calcium, and its creamy and smooth texture makes it highly drinkable.

Hemp Milk:

You won’t experience mind altering THC in this milk made from hemp nuts (shelled hemp seed with pure water.) You will discover a cholesterol and lactose free drink that is richly endowed with omega fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, and proteins. The taste is nuttier and creamier than most dairy alternatives.

Oat Milk:

Sprouted Oat groats and pure water is combined to produce oat milk, which is free of cholesterol and lactose. You will find in it nutritionally valuable amounts of vitamin E, folic acid and various phytochemicals. It does have a high sugar carbohydrate level and its sale is mostly restricted to health food stores.

Rice Milk:

With just one gram of unsaturated fat per cup, rice milk ranks as the least fattening of all alternatives to cow’s milk. The reason is the presence of rice bran oil, which also contributes to lowering blood cholesterol levels. But rice milk also contains a heavy dose of sugary carbohydrates, so it’s not recommended for anyone with diabetes or with a predisposition to developing diabetes.

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