Do One Easy Thing

21 Jun 2017
Read time: 5 min
Category: Archive

Raise your hand if you’re having trouble keeping up with your healthy raw lifestyle. See? You’re not alone! It happens to the most inspired and well intentioned of us all, and plays out pretty much the same every time. 

While we’re at Hippocrates, being lavishly fed, juices made for us, not a dish to wash, not a juicer to disassemble and clean, it’s easy to do “the raw thing”. 

We leave with cookbooks, seeds, kitchen gadgets and lots of healthy energy and good intentions; then it happens; that thing called “life-out-there”. Schedules that are not our own, social events with dead food galore, travel obligations, not enough time or money, and eventually, not enough energy to keep the raw wheel rolling smoothly.

Then, the downward spiral begins. The less we feed ourselves with high-energy living foods, the less energy we have to spare to prepare, plan and organize our days around a healing lifestyle.

Time goes by, guilt sets in and we drift farther and farther away from our goals, like a little boat without a rudder.

Worse than that, we are totally convinced that we are the ONLY ones who have failed at this and go guiltily further down the slippery slope of despair. 

Sound familiar? Don’t worry, there is hope, this has been the case with many of our local gurus at one time or another! All you need is a bit of love (the self kind) and a good dose of forgiveness; then pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start over, again…


That’s all, just one. Not too scary, eh? Take stock and decide what the most daunting thing is for you right now; the thing that has grabbed on to your leg and is dragging along behind you, preventing you from moving forward with ease.

Is it the fact that you haven’t been having your green juices lately and you’re feeling lousy? Do you feel that the raw food recipes are too complicated to do? Have you run into resistance while trying to get the rest of your family into veggie mode? Is it your lagging exercise program, your messy desk covered in unpaid bills, or your grueling inner voice that has turned into a toxic tyrant, reminding you throughout your day that you’ve failed?

Fear not! We have a remedy for this curable ailment! And here is the prescription; just do 1 easy thing. Instead of seeing the whole, huge, colossal picture of perfection that you feel you have miserably failed at, see instead a little picture of peace, grace and happiness that you can relate to; one little accomplishment to relish in daily - one loving gesture towards yourself that will get you sparked again. Once you get that spark going, the fire of passion and conviction can begin to burn again, and you flow into that upward spiral that brings you back to your place of balance and vitality.

So. What could that first easy thing be to get your energy flowing again? The most basic (and simplest) of all is your juicing. Are you discouraged and avoiding making your fresh juices because you just can’t seem to get all those fresh sprouts to add to your green drinks every day? Get over it, and pull that juicer out again! If you can’t follow the perfect recipe every day, do the next best green thing and get that juice into you anyway! 

Here’s an easy recipe for you: juice 1 cucumber, 3 sticks of celery, 1 large kale leaf and a handful of parsley and spinach; and for an extra shot of zing, add a clove of garlic or an inch of ginger. When you’ve juiced it all into a beautiful emerald elixir, add the juice of 1/2 lemon. Dee-lish! 

Make it even more special and pour it into one of those fancy wine glasses you don’t use anymore. Give a toast to life, love and freedom, and then sip your green treat slowly as you feel the living liquid energy revitalize your every cell. 

Get creative, add some variety to your juicing, and you’ll discover all sorts of new ways to get your volumes of veggies each day.

Try to take away the paralyzing notion of perfection. Remember there is room for trial and error and laughter, room to grow, and room to fit it all into your unique situation, place and body. Do your best, love yourself for it, and you’ll see that your best will become even better with time. One easy thing will then become many easy things, and soon your vibrant living lifestyle will be right back on track again.

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Linda Frees is the Ambassador Program Coordinator here at HHI and a graduate of both our Life Transformation and Health Educator Programs. When not directing the Ambassador Program, she enjoys teaching living foods and sprouting classes.

To inquire about how easy it is to become an Ambassador for Hippocrates, please email Linda at [email protected] or call 561-471-8876 x 2112.

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