Happiness as a Ripple Effect

25 Apr 2017
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

Happiness always generates a ripple effect. Whatever you create from a place of joy, not only impacts your happiness but other people will be attracted and ultimately want to pass it on. This can be passed on in conversations, events, situations and relationships in ways you thought could never happen. How does it matter how you do it? You may have a deep desire and get so caught up in what Mike Dooley refers to as “the cursed How!” that you can get derailed from experiencing your dreams.

If you can focus on the essence of what you want and what you are creating, anticipate the end result with a pleasant feeling and be flexible with all of the details, you then allow God, Source, and All That Is to assist you with the unseen. Now the improbable can occur. I am unclear ‘how’ everything will unfold. What I do know is, what happens is directly correlated with you and the feelings you experience connected with your thoughts. Ultimately, what happens is up to you.

What do you want? What matters to you?

When I walk into a room full of eager participants filled with expectancy, I feel my world change. Realizing that for a lifetime this experience has a far greater end than the short-term conversation. A seemingly innocuous shift in the now creates a ripple effect in your future direction. These ripples will go forward in ways and experiences you could never have imagined. As you focus on your desires with joyful anticipation, structures will be less relevant and your ripple will flow free and allow you to experience happiness beyond your grandest imaginings. You will also start to notice this ripple not only moves outward but also importantly flows inward.

What I know is, we create ripples where ever we go. Seven months from now or seven weeks from now, I know it is important that every single thing you create will always, all ways and in all ways, be directed and guided from your feelings as they connect to your thoughts. When something seems most impossible tune into the peaceful place of love and happiness within you and you will find the connection.

Creating happiness in the moment can be what your life experience is all about!

If you are interested in expanding your happiness ripple, join me, Sara L. Bronson, on May 13 for A Taste of Happiness, a One-Day workshop using the One-Brain method to clear hidden blocks. For more information visit here or call Hippocrates Wellness/Oasis 561.471.5867 to register.

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