New Items for Kids

12 Apr 2017
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

The Hippocrates store is continuously looking for the newest, the best, and the cleanest products to help you maintain your healthy Lifestyle. All products we bring in are scrutinized to ensure that not only are the ingredients clean, but that the companies who manufacture the products also believe in a healthy lifestyle for their customers and for the Planet as well.

Obvita Organics:-Makers of our new Organic Baby Care line   The name OBVITA loosely translates to ‘concerning life’ in Latin. OBVITA Organics’ origin is one of altruistic health education as the organic product suite was born to provide our clients of our natural health clinic with truly natural food grade and cruelty free skin care products to a conventional world of hidden and not so hidden toxicity. The mission grew to include only clean/unsprayed ingredients derived from Nature so one can be nourished and pampered with organic skin care products & cosmetics that offer a pure and beautiful experience, while helping to conserve our planet and protect life on it.   “Our business plan calls for continued handmade production keeping more local people employed and the personalized love in everything we produce … and while we are a business, our bottom line is natural health and well-being.”

20% off Obvita Organic Baby Products

Purchase Here

Garden of Life-Makers of Vitamin Codes Kids Vitamins

“We are fanatical about food.  We’re different that way. Whether we’re making a vitamin, or a probiotic, or a protein powder, we always start with real foods and these (foods) provide our formulas the power to be their best. We’re different that way, too. The synthetically created, chemical “breakthroughs” from huge commercial laboratories around the world are not for us. Let the other guys sell those “supplements.” No thanks.

As fanatical as we are over what goes into our products, we are even more obsessed about the things we keep out of them. We hate those synthetic chemicals that most companies use to make their products. This stuff makes machines work faster, and helps factories churn out super-sized containers at higher “efficiency.” Well, while the other guys spend their time preoccupied with their efficiency, we’re uncompromising about your health. Slow it down, make it by hand, grow it in rich organic non-GMO soil with enough sun, air, water and time for it to be its best. Harvest it when ready. Treat it with care. Turn it into a power-packed nutritious food supplement. That’s what we are about.”

Finally, a great tasting WHOLE FOOD multi that supports your child’s healthy development Vitamin Code® Kids is the FIRST NON-GMO VERIFIED children’s multivitamin—ever!

. Vitamin Code® Kids is made with Food-Created Nutrients, providing the essential vitamins and minerals kids need for extraordinary health and vitality.

Immune Support-Support for Growing Bones-Digestive Health--Mental and Physical Energy

Reg. Price 29.15 for 60 chewables       Sale Price: 23.32     Prices good thru 04.30.17

Purchase HERE

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FREE EVENT: Growing Healthy Kids, April 25th at Hippocrates Wellness! 4-9 PM

Learn More Here! 

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