Why Drugs Do Not Work For Cancer

12 Jul 2017
Read time: 7 min
Category: Archive

Article By Dr. Howard W. Fisher

When we hear the word cancer, we all think of a ravaging disease from which recovery is rare, and comes at the terrible cost of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy sessions.  The rate of success is so low, that if you were to seek advice from an investment counselor for your money, you would never give it to him with that success rate yet what choice does the average person have when seeking a solution from cancer?  It means forever living under the dark cloud of its re-emergence and its ultimate victory in the taking of another life……more than 600,000 every year in the United States alone. 

The theory behind pharmaceutical intervention is to kill cancer cells.  The fact is, we develop cancer cells throughout our bodies throughout our lives.  Our bodies are normally able to find them, identify them and destroy them before they are able to grow uncontrollably.  This is the normal occurrence, which is constantly taking place in a healthy body.  It is only when the healthy body becomes unable to mount its normal defenses, due to a plethora of potential causes, that the cancer cells continue to reproduce at an uncontrollable rate and the cancer becomes life threatening.  This is a failure or breakdown of our normal immune system and quite possibly the end of one’s lives.  Sitting here with holistic cancer coach Leah Bassett, she asks, “Why are people willing to stand in line to purchase edible alleged food products to the detriment of their family’s wellbeing, when they are unwilling to consider a proven natural approach to health? So many people contact me after traditional treatment has failed” 

How will drugs be able to target the cancer cells if our own bodies cannot?  What will keep these pharmaceutical agents from destroying healthy cells?  Is the theory to kill the cancer cells before the patient dies?  In the vast majority of cancer cases, the cumulative results of multiple insults to the immune system, go unrecognized.  Cancer treatment becomes the only priority in patient care.  This is a devastating mistake and very often results in the death of the patient.  Cancer must be treated not only as a disease in and of itself, but as a disease of opportunity that takes place in a compromised host.  We must look at the patient as a whole multifunctional organism with immune responses that are as varied as the diseases they are required to fight.  If we do not have the means to stimulate an immune response, our chances of success are extremely slim, and that is exactly what our findings are with the pharmaceutical radiation surgical approach.

All chronic disease, and cancer with the extended latency period definitely qualifies as one, is predominantly due to environmental factors and many researchers estimate this statistic to be a minimum of 90%.  Therefore, the extent to which you can control your environment has a direct relationship on your incidence of chronic disease and must be considered as a cause of immune system breakdown.  This  must be addressed in conjunction with the cancer, in order to assure the best possible outcome for the patient.  Any treatment that does not address underlying causes for the breakdown of the immune system will be palliative at best, and life threatening at their worst.  A surgical approach to a metastatic development overlooks the obvious question…. what other areas have been affected that we do not know about?

Normally immune system failure is gradual and takes place over a prolonged period of time.   We may think that frequent colds, chronic coughs, fatigue, malaise, depression, enlarged prostate, obesity, loss of libido, or a host of other symptoms are normal but they are signs of a direct symptoms of immune system breakdown, or of other issues that will directly affect immune system function.

 When addressing cancer, any cancer…. breast, prostate, renal or lung, there are numerous aspects of the physiological changes that will remain constant.  Glucose is consumed as a primary cancer cell food; lactic acid is excreted from the cancer cells into the blood and carried to the liver, where it is converted back into glucose to feed the cancer cells.  This is consistent in virtually all known cancer cells.  It has been well documented in many studies, and many years ago serum glucose levels were used to monitor the progress of the disease.[1] [2]  It has been established that as the disease progressed, serum glucose levels would rise and yet it is the increase of serum glucose that allows this…quite cyclical.  Knowing this, the wisdom of removing simple carbohydrates and sugars from the diet becomes obvious unless you have a mechanism in your protocol that allows the body to utilize the sugars immediately for ATP production in the mitochondria.  The ignorant use of glucose I.V.’s in cancer patients also becomes painfully obvious and that is why we have had to establish protocols that take the patient’s physiological needs into consideration.  

The object is to make it difficult for cancer cells to reproduce and drive up the immune system response.  Why fuel them with a primary requirement?  They are unable to efficiently use protein or complex carbohydrates for food.  The healthy cells of our body and immune system are able to use these as fuel and for repair.  Adapt the patient to a diet that includes protein and complex carbohydrates and eliminate the rest.  Find a delivery system to reach every cell and watch what happens. These simple changes that can make a huge difference in the final outcome of the disease process.  To do this, you will merely need to know what constitutes complex carbohydrates, understand the glycemic index and know good sources of complete amino acid profiles in good protein sources, how to drive up the immune system’s NK cells and provide a mechanism to achieve ultimate cellular penetration.  Fortunately  these bases have been covered.

[1] Shime H, Yabu M, Akazawa T, Kodama K, Matsumoto M, Seya T, Inoue N. Tumor-secreted lactic acid promotes IL-23/IL-17 proinflammatory pathway.  J Immunol 2008 Jun 1;180(11):7175-83.

[2] Fischer K Hoffmann P, Voelkl S, Meidenbauer N, Ammer J, Edinger M, Gottfried E, Schwarz S,  Rothe G, Hoves S, Renner K, Timischl B, Mackensen A,  Kunz-Schughart L,  Andreesen R, Krause S W, Kreutz M.  Inhibitory effect of tumor cell–derived lactic acid on human T cells. Blood 2007 109:3812-3819; doi:10.1182/blood-2006-07-035972

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